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Your users’ journey, redefined: inside the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration

Learn new ways to amplify user experiences, identify friction and problems on your site and test solutions fast!

Last updated

12 Jan 2024

Reading time

4 min


Struggling to understand why certain changes on your website work better than others? This uncertainty can be frustrating. You're left guessing which elements truly resonate with your audience and why. Without clear insights, your next campaign is just another shot in the dark, based on assumptions rather than solid data.

Enter the integration of Hotjar and AB Tasty. This powerful combination cuts through the guesswork, allowing you to delve deep into real user behavior behind the numbers and campaign reports. 

In this session, Mary Kate Cash, Head of Growth Marketing, North America at AB Tasty, and John Hughes, Senior Partner Marketing Manager at AB Tasty will show you:

  • User-behavior insights: learn how Hotjar's analytics complement AB Tasty's experimentation tools, offering a deeper understanding of user behavior and preferences.

  • Personalization and testing: discover how the integration aids in creating personalized experiences and conducting efficient A/B testing, enhancing website performance and engagement.

  • Data-driven optimization: explore strategies to use combined data from Hotjar and AB Tasty for optimizing user journeys, improving conversion rates, and maximizing website effectiveness.

  • Testing and experimentation: find out how to quickly optimize your site, identify effective strategies, and use data to pinpoint and solve problems.

  • Case studies and success stories: hear about how various businesses have used AB Tasty and Hotjar to refine their strategies and improve user engagement and conversions.

Questions and answers from the webinar: Thank you to everyone who asked such great questions. Here is a roundup of the questions not answered during the live event.

  • Last question (I think): Would segmentation in AB Tasty be at all similar to GA4 segments? Session based, or event triggers etc? Integration with GA4 is event based. The custom dimensions in GA4 are designed to help organize and access the specific AB Tasty event parameters in GA4 reports. The integration primarily involves sending AB Tasty campaign data as events with specific parameters to GA4. You can find out more in the very technical article or take a look at this more general one concerning GA4.

  • Which service tells you that the user does not get their expectations met, through ads? Is it session recording, where the URL has UTM-codes and then you see no interaction/conversion? It’s not necessarily a service that will tell you that you aren’t meeting their needs, but if a user bounces from your page or doesn’t convert, then you can use analytics, heatmaps, and session recordings to make some assumptions to better understand what’s missing or what’s wrong on the page that’s driving customers away.

  • Do you have a list of best practices of how to gain user insights from Hotjar, in order to create hypotheses'? It’s probably a good idea to look at the detailed information here which goes into how the two pieces of software work. What we tried to show in the webinar is that any of the information you get from Hotjar (Heatmaps, Session Recordings, Surveys) can feed into creating  hypothesis of where to tes. This in turn can then be analysed by Hotjar creating and continuous loop of information.

  • If you have time, can you explain the process of categorizing our audience? As we mentioned in the webinar, segmentation is often going to depend on what data you have and also what kind of things you would like personalise on. AB Tasty can also help you target specific users for tests, whether that is geolocalization, returning visitors, device, navigation or purchase. For a little bit more detail on this, you can see this article.

  • Can you talk about behavioral segmentation and how the data on AB Tasty is collected to make it actionable? As we mentioned in the webinar, segmentation is often going to depend on what data you have and also what kind of things you would like personalise on. AB Tasty can also help you target specific users for tests, whether that is geolocalization, returning visitors, device, navigation or purchase. For a little bit more detail on this, you can see this article.

  • Is AB Tasty available for small businesses? usually what weekly traffic would you need to get to valid results? We recommend that companies have at least 100,000 monthly unique visitors to allow them to reach statistical significance. You are welcome to contact us if you want to understand how it could work for your business.

Do you have more questions or want to learn more about AB Tasty? Get in touch with John or Mary-Kate here.