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How Turum-burum used heatmaps to increase micro conversions by 18%

Turum-burum is a UX/UI and CRO agency known for developing high-quality designs that are profitable for businesses and convenient for users. 

Recently, they turned to Hotjar to help them redesign the online Samsung Experience Store.

Denys Studennikov, COO and Head of the UX/UI Department explains what they did and how those changes increased conversions by 18% and reduced bounce rate by 32%.

AgencyHow to improve conversionUX designer

Last updated

17 May 2024

Reading time

4 min


Woman holding a fashion magazine

Turum-burum 🤝 Hotjar: a summary

📌 The requirements: redesign a site for Samsung’s Experience Store that reflects the brand’s guidelines and

  • Increases business conversions

  • Emphasizes the advantages of the platform over its competitors

  • Increases the average order value

  • Reduces the bounce rate

 💡 The solution: Turum-burum used click maps and scroll maps to create a user-friendly site for the Samsung Experience Store

🏆 The results: 

  • 18% increase in conversions from the product card page to the cart page

  • Reduced the checkout page’s bounce rate by 32%

Turum-burum used Hotjar’s Heatmaps — specifically, scroll maps and click maps—to see what users paid attention to and what they weren’t seeing. 

With this information, they were able to optimize five key pages:

  1. The homepage

  2. Category listing page

  3. Product card page

  4. Shopping cart

  5. Checkout page

Here’s how they optimized each page:

1. Homepage

The homepage is the main entry point designed to engage and persuade users to move further down the sales funnel. 

But when Turum-burum analyzed the Samsung Experience Stores’s heatmaps, they found two key problems with the homepage. 

Here are the problems they found, plus the simple solutions they implemented:

The problem

The solution

Scroll maps showed that 60% of desktop users and 47% of mobile users never scrolled to the bottom of the second screen. As a result, users missed important sections on the site (like product categories).

Turum-burum redesigned the structure to be more visually appealing so it would capture users’ attention and encourage them to continue scrolling.

Click maps showed that users weren’t clicking on popular or new products, and as a result, weren’t moving through to product pages.

Turum-burum redesigned the product area to showcase dynamic blocks that highlighted new and popular products.

These blocks stood out and did a better job at capturing users’ attention.

Aside from what users weren’t seeing or clicking on, heatmaps also highlight what users liked. Like the product categories that users clicked on the most:

With this in mind, Turum-burum reorganized the Samsung Experience Store’s navigation menu and prioritized the most popular categories. This way, users could find the products they needed faster. 

Click maps also highlighted to Turum-burum that users commonly clicked on banner sliders on the homepage:

So, they added essential customer information to the banner slider to nudge people towards buying, such as the benefits of buying from an authorized store and the company's extensive list of services (Samsung Care, Personal Consultation, Samsung Trade-In, and more).

Lastly, Denys and his team did a final UX analysis of the new homepage to finalize its design:

#Website homepage after the redesign
Website homepage after the redesign

2. Category listing page

Category listing pages are the pages where users browse and view the product range. 

Turum-burum tells us that with category listing pages, it’s crucial to focus on the products and provide high-quality images and key details in the preview. This speeds up the search for the desired item.

Here’s how they used heatmaps to do that:

The problem

The solution

Click maps showed that people used pagination buttons to view multiple listings, meaning that the pages weren’t displaying enough products.

Turum-burum increased the number of products displayed on the page and allowed users to choose their desired quantity. 

This way, users could customize their experience and show more or less products based on their needs.

Scroll maps revealed that only 50% of users reached the pagination buttons.

Turum-burum added a block with previously viewed products at the bottom of the listing page to widen the funnel.

Now, if the users scroll to the end of the search without selecting anything, they can quickly return to the products they were previously interested in.

#Listing product page pagination and ‘Previously viewed’ block after website redesign
Listing product page pagination and ‘Previously viewed’ block after website redesign

3. The product card page

The product card is where users learn more about products and make purchase decisions. 

But heatmaps gave Turum-burum some interesting context. Here’s what they discovered and how they fixed each issue: 

The problem

The solution

Scroll maps revealed that 40% of desktop users and 53% of mobile users didn't scroll to the product description, and 70% of all users didn't scroll to the end of the page to read about product features and similar products.

Turum-burum shortened the list of characteristics to show only key parameters.

Heatmaps showed that users often clicked the ‘Accessories’ link, but it wasn’t easy to find. Users had to scroll and search for this important link.

Turum-burum provided users with a visible ‘Accessories’ button so they didn’t need to search for it.

Click maps showed that users were more interested in installment payments rather than additional options.

Turum-burum added information about different payment methods like ‘Buy in 1 click’ and GPay.

Additionally, they placed the installment icons closer to the price and the call-to-action button to make the available options more eye-catching.

They also added a loan calculator with available banks and options.

Click maps showed that users frequently used breadcrumbs to navigate from the product card page to the homepage.

Turum-burum added advanced breadcrumbs along with

-‘Previously viewed’ and ‘Similar products’ links

-A special tool to compare items

-More relevant information on the product page (like product payment info, delivery terms and options, and additional services)

This extra information helps users move further down the sales funnel rather than click back to the homepage.

#Turum-burum made the ‘Accessories’ button easy to find after the website redesign
Turum-burum made the ‘Accessories’ button easy to find after the website redesign

These subtle changes had a big impact and led to an 18% increase in conversions from the product card page to the cart page.

4. Shopping cart

There are two main approaches to shopping cart design: a separate page or a pop-up. 

Denys says that the first option can work well if users purchase many items, whereas the second option shortens the user's journey to checkout.

To decide which one to use for the Samsung Experience Store, Turum-burum turned to their data.

The problem

The solution

Users rarely added more than two products to their shopping cart.

And the separate shopping cart page added extra steps to what could have been a simple checkout process.

Turum-burum replaced the shopping cart with a pop-up and added an option for ‘1 click’ payment using GPay to streamline checkout.

To further optimize the shopping cart, Turum-burum also

  • Included cross-sells when people added items to the cart

  • Informed users on how many bonuses they can receive for an order

  • Added an area to apply a promo code to the entire page so users could see the final price of the order

#Redesigned Shopping Cart
Redesigned Shopping Cart

5. Checkout page

Turum-burum wanted to reduce the bounce rate on the checkout page and ensure more users go through with their purchases.

Here’s how click maps helped them reduce the checkout page’s bounce rate by 32%:

The problem

The solution

Click maps revealed exit points on the checkout page that distracted customers and caused them to abandon or edit their carts.

To reduce the bounce rate and optimize the purchasing process, Turum-burum minimized the checkout page’s header. Doing so removed unnecessary information and places users could click to leave the page.

They also allowed users to edit their orders directly on the checkout page.

#Many exit points on the checkout page distracted users from completing the purchase. Turum-burum redesigned the checkout header to contain only necessary information.
Many exit points on the checkout page distracted users from completing the purchase. Turum-burum redesigned the checkout header to contain only necessary information.

Click maps also revealed to Turum-burum that users frequently interacted with the promo code.

#The heatmap shows that users interact with the promo code
The heatmap shows that users interact with the promo code

So, they made the promo code button immediately available.

Turum-burum also adjusted the checkout form by adding a section that included purchase and delivery prices, discounts, promotional codes, and payment options on the right side of the checkout form.

This keeps all checkout calculations in one place so users can get the information they need right before they click the ‘Checkout’ button.

#Newly designed checkout page
Newly designed checkout page

Fewer barriers = more orders = higher conversion

Turum-burum knows the importance of understanding the customer before making any design changes.

Because when you know what customers want, you can design a barrier-free experience.

That’s why they take time to dig into audience insight (like from Hotjar) along with data from their research. Like this customer journey map, they created through interviews and mystery-shopper visits.

By deeply understanding your users, you can create an ecommerce experience they’ll love.

Ready to get to know your users, improve user experience, and increase conversions on your ecommerce site?

Give Hotjar a try today!