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How to use the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration: 3 powerful use cases

Figuring out exactly what your users need involves two things: getting to know them and some old-fashioned trial and error.

With the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration, we’ve got you covered on both counts. Hotjar helps you understand user behavior, and AB Tasty lets you create experiments and personalizations on your site. Learn how these tools work together to create a digital experience that’s enjoyable for your users and excellent for your conversions.

Last updated

10 Jul 2024

Reading time

4 min


Uncover why users prefer one experience over another with the Hotjar and AB Tasty integration.

Hotjar 🤝 AB Tasty: why you need the integration

Hotjar, powered by Contentsquare, helps you understand user behavior with features like 

  • Heatmaps to see where users click, move, and scroll

  • Recordings for replays of individual user sessions

  • Surveys to hear opinions directly from users

  • Funnels to see how users move through your conversion funnels

  • Dashboards to organize your critical metrics at a glance

  • Trends to visualize your metrics and spot changes over time 

AB Tasty helps you optimize website performance and user experience through

  • Experimentation features like A/B and multivariate testing to compare how different versions of your website perform with real users

  • Personalization features like Audience Builder to build segments and see how they perform

With the Hotjar + AB Tasty integration, you can explore the user behavior behind your experimentation and campaign results. Instantly send AB Tasty experimentation and personalization campaigns to Hotjar. There, you can filter your heatmaps, recordings, trends, and dashboards data by campaign, or launch surveys on your campaign pages to collect additional user input.

3 Hotjar and AB Tasty use cases to inspire you

Connecting the two tools is easy. ( 👉Head over to this Hotjar-AB Tasty integration page and click on the ‘Configuration’ tab to learn how.) 

All set up, but not sure where to begin? Let’s look at three use cases to get you started right away.

1. Enhance UX through heatmaps and A/B testing

According to Contentsquare’s 2024 Digital Experience Benchmarks report, two out of every five user sessions (39.6%) experienced frustration last year, contributing to a drop in engagement and conversions. 

Use Hotjar Heatmaps to compare two versions of your homepage’s navigation menu to create a smoother user experience (UX). You can learn what your users like about each variant, what they ignore, and where they encounter friction, helping you choose the best option for them.

#A click map shows where users click the most on the top navigation bar
A click map shows where users click the most on the top navigation bar

If you have the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration, follow these three steps:

  1. Create an A/B test in the AB Tasty platform to test two versions of your menu or nav bar and learn which one increases the desired results or conversions

  2. When analyzing the results, filter your heatmaps by the AB Tasty campaign and variations to compare click, scroll, and movement data

  3. Consider why the winning variation outperformed the other. How does the behavior differ between variants, and what does that show you about your users and what they need? Apply these user behavior insights to continue optimizing your page and results. 

🤩Frette sees clicks increase by 29% 

Italian linen brand and AB Tasty user Frette knew that people searched for bathrobes more than anything else. So they decided to run an experiment to refine their UX and increase traffic to those categories and product pages. The company listed the item in the homepage navigation bar so people wouldn’t have to search for the term or explore nested categories. 

After changing the title of one of their categories to ‘Bath linens & robes,’ they saw clicks on that category increase by 29% and visits to the actual bathrobe page jump 102%. 

Take a page out of Frette’s playbook:

  •  Use Hotjar Heatmaps to see how people use your navigation bar or drop-down menus. Where do they click, hesitate, or scroll? What do they pass right by? 

  • Consider how you could rearrange your menu items to help your users find what they want more quickly. Create a new variant, and run an A/B test through AB Tasty to gauge its effectiveness.

  • Using the integration, filter heatmaps by variant for your AB Tasty campaign to see how user behavior differs—and use these insights to inform future changes

Frette added ‘Robes’ to their homepage navigation bar, resulting in more clicks

2. Increase conversion rates by integrating surveys and A/B testing

According to the Baymard Institute, the average documented shopping cart abandonment rate was 70.19% in 2023. Getting shoppers to complete their purchases despite distractions and friction can be tricky—but using Hotjar and AB Tasty together helps you make changes that encourage users to finish their conversion. 

Run an A/B test on your checkout flow, adding exit-intent surveys to the original and the variant to learn what users think of them. Then, use their feedback to design a better experience.

#A Hotjar exit-intent survey lets site visitors weigh in on their experience
A Hotjar exit-intent survey lets site visitors weigh in on their experience

With the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration, follow these five steps: 

  1. Use Hotjar rage click maps to visualize where shoppers experience frustration in your checkout flow—whether that’s a confusing button or a required form field they miss

  2. Watch session recordings on Hotjar to get in the mind of the user as they navigate your checkout flow

  3. Create an A/B test with AB Tasty to see how changing or eliminating a specific item on your checkout page affects your conversions

  4. Trigger an exit-intent survey on both the original and variant to learn opportunities to improve

  5. Analyze your qualitative survey data from Hotjar side-by-side with the quantitative AB Tasty data to see which page had better conversions—and why

💡 Pro tip: add surveys to your A/B tests—without adding time to your process. Choose from Hotjar’s ready-made survey templates, or ask Hotjar AI for Surveys to create one for you.

3. Personalize user journeys by using behavior analytics to inform experiments

According to McKinsey, 71% of customers expect personalized experiences from companies—and 76% feel frustrated when interactions fall short.  To prevent this frustration and keep users coming back to your company over time, turn to Hotjar’s AB Tasty integration. 

Use the integration to watch recordings of how people respond to your personalization strategies, like a special offer to certain users. For example, see how new customers respond to a pop-up offer, or how returning visitors react to a discount banner.

#Sort Hotjar recordings by the AB Tasty campaign and variant
Sort Hotjar recordings by the AB Tasty campaign and variant

With the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration, follow these three steps: 

  1. With AB Tasty, create a personalization campaign that offers a discount on new products to returning visitors

  2. Then, in Hotjar, filter your heatmaps by the AB Tasty campaign to see how visitors engage with the special offer based on click and scroll data

  3. Filter recordings by the AB Tasty campaign to see if they clicked through to purchase, tried in frustration to close the pop-up or banner, or ignored it entirely to learn what engages your visitors and boosts conversions

💡 Pro tip: use AB Tasty’s EmotionsAI tool to personalize your content and messaging to your visitors. Based on visitors’ behavior on your site, the tool segments them by emotional or personality needs. For example, one buyer might crave safety, wanting to know the number of other people who recently purchased a product, while another might seek indicators of quality, like product specs. 

EmotionsAI gives you a pulse on your audience needs so you can improve segmentation, user journeys, and conversion rates.

#Use AB Tasty’s to segment your customers and personalize their journeys

Get fast and accurate experimentation and personalization insights

Every A/B test you run is a chance to make your digital experience or web page even better for your site visitors. With the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration, you get more user insights with a faster workflow. And that means you come that much closer to creating an experience your users rave about, boosting your conversions.

Integrate AB Tasty with Hotjar

Uncover why users prefer one experience over another with the Hotjar-AB Tasty integration.

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